West Coast League

“Welcome to Summer”

and the home of the premier summer wood bat league on the West Coast.

The West Coast League has a demanding schedule, travel and wood bats that test prospects, preparing them for the pros. Coaches and players live with host families and play in front of large crowds in a range of intimate ball parks from old minor league parks to state-of-the-art collegiate stadiums.

Our member teams recruit players nationwide and are committed to developing aspiring pros.

Our teams are also dedicated to enriching their communities, and our member communities are devoted to their hometown teams. The environment is nurturing, the atmosphere thrilling and the setting as good as it gets.

No league has more breathtaking geography. No league features the professional-style schedule of the West Coast League, with extended road trips and home stands. No league can match the dedication and economic strength of our owners. No league has more experienced leadership. No league can equal the experience and level of competence of our umpires. And, no league shows the attendance growth the West Coast League enjoys season after season.