Zachary  Sutton
Home Town:Corinth, TX
Last School:Blinn College


Zachary Sutton

Full Count with Zach Sutton

What is your major: I’m majoring in Mechanical Engineering. I’ve always had a passion for breaking stuff down, seeing how it works, then putting it back together again and building new things.

Who is your baseball hero? You can’t get much better than Big Papi, David Ortiz.

Your favourite Major League Team: I like the Boston Red Sox.

Why play baseball and not another sport? It’s because of my dad. He wanted me to try the sport and I’ve never stopped.

Any family in the game? No I don’t have any family in the game.

What drew you to the school you are attending: I’m attending Blinn College for the opportunity to keep playing baseball at the post-secondary level.