Teagan Ribbink
Home Town:Kelowna, BC
Last School:Okanagan College


Teagan Ribbink

Full Count with Teagan Ribbink

What is your major: I’m double Majoring in Economics and Math at UBC Okanagan. I really enjoy economics and I am taking math so that it is easier for me to get my CFA delegation after my undergraduate degree.

Who is your baseball hero? Trevor Bauer, I admire the way he approaches the game of baseball. He is always learning and questioning traditional approaches of teaching. He is always testing new things and pushing boundaries.

Your favourite Major League Team: I’m Canadian, so definitely the Blue Jays.

Why play baseball and not another sport? Honestly, because I was good at it so just stayed with it. That said I really do like hockey as well.

Any family in the game? No, I don’t have any family in the game.

What drew you to the school you are attending: I’m currently attending UBC Okanagan because it’s right here in my hometown. It has a very good reputation as an affiliate of UBC in Vancouver. Attending UBCO also allows me to play baseball for Okanagan College and continue to be a student athlete.