Dylan Vinson
Home Town:Lufkin, TX
Last School:Galveston College


Dylan Vinson

Full Count with Dylan Vinson

What is your major: I’m majoring in sports medicine in hopes of attending chiropractic school in the future.

Who is your baseball hero? A couple of players I admire are Adrian Beltre and Michael Young.  As a Rangers fan I always loved watching them play.

Your favourite Major League Team: The world champion Texas Rangers.

Why play baseball and not another sport? I grew up watching the game and was always around it.  I fell in love with it and have been playing all my life.

Any family in the game? No, I don’t have any family in the game.

What drew you to the school you are attending: Honestly, they were one of the only colleges to reach out and turned out to be exactly what I was looking for.